An Analysis of Scottish Borrowers' Registers
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Date of borrowing: 1772/6/18
Your search matched 10 borrowing records.
Record ID 104411
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Opera de Balneis
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 2 Guineas.
Batholomew Parr
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Dissertation: De Balneo.. Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1769-1772; MD (Edin), 1773. Origin: British.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Thomas Junta (Male)
Genre: History, Genre: Medicine
Opera de Balneis. (original title)
De balneis [Junta]. (standardised title)
Confidence level: Certain
Thomas Junta (Male)
Genre: History, Genre: Medicine
De balneis omnia quæ extant apud Græcos, Latinos, et Arabas, tam medicos quam quoscunque ceterarum artium probatos scriptores, etc.
Language: Latin . Published: Venice. Date of publication: 1553. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 6
Thomas Junta (Male)
Genre: History, Genre: Medicine
De Balneis Omnia quae Extant apud Graecos, Latinos, et Arabas
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: Batholomew Parr
Author: Thomas Junta (Male), Genre: History, Genre: Medicine
De Balneis Omnia quae Extant apud Graecos, Latinos, et Arabas
Record ID 104414
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Baccerus de Thermis
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
Batholomew Parr
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Dissertation: De Balneo.. Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1769-1772; MD (Edin), 1773. Origin: British.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Andrea Bacci (Male, died 1600)
Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
De thermis Andreae Baccii ... libri septem.
Confidence level: Certain
Andrea Bacci (Male, died 1600)
Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
De thermis Andreæ Baccii ... libri septem.
Language: Latin . Published: Venice. Date of publication: 1588. Format: folio.
Number of borrowings: 6
Andrea Bacci (Male, died 1600)
Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
De Thermis
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: Batholomew Parr
Author: Andrea Bacci (Male, died 1600), Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy
Record ID 104420
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Porterfield on the Eye 2 V:s
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/10/6.
Lewis Borthwick
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1771-1774. Other: Royal Army Medical Corps, 1775.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
William Porterfield (Male, born 1695, died 1771)
Genre: Medicine
Treatise on the eye: the manner and phaenomena of vision [Porterfield]
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections ; E.B. .61284 Por..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Certain
William Porterfield (Male, born 1695, died 1771)
Genre: Medicine
A treatise on the eye, the manner and phaenomena of vision.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1759. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 2 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 46 times in 24 borrowing records
ESTC: T60564
William Porterfield (Male, born 1695, died 1771)
Genre: Medicine
Treatise on the Eye
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: Lewis Borthwick
Author: William Porterfield (Male, born 1695, died 1771), Genre: Medicine
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 104426
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Senac de febre
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/4/6.
Jean-Baptiste Senac (Male, born 1693, died 1770)
Genre: Medicine
De recondita febrium intermittentium, tum remittentium natura [Senac]
Confidence level: Certain
Jean-Baptiste Senac (Male, born 1693, died 1770)
Genre: Medicine
De recondita Febrium intermittentium tum remittentium natura et ... curatione, etc.
Language: Latin . Published: Geneva. Date of publication: 1769. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 27
Jean-Baptiste Senac (Male, born 1693, died 1770)
Genre: Medicine
De Recondita Febrium Intermittentium tum Remittentium Natura
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Author: Jean-Baptiste Senac (Male, born 1693, died 1770), Genre: Medicine
De Recondita Febrium Intermittentium tum Remittentium Natura
Record ID 104429
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Edin:r Med: Essays V:s 1-2
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: Guinea.
George Campbell
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Medicine and Health > Surgeon.
Philosophical Society of Edinburgh (Unspecified, born 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Medical essays and observations, published by a Society in Edinburgh
Possible modern shelfmark: Main Library - Special Collections ; E.B. .6104 Edi..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Very likely
Philosophical Society of Edinburgh (Unspecified, born 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Medical essays and observations / revised and published by a Society in Edinburgh.
Language: English . Published: Edinburgh. Date of publication: 1737-1738. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 224 times in 87 borrowing records
ESTC: T68053
Philosophical Society of Edinburgh (Unspecified, born 1731)
Genre: Medicine
Medical Essays and Observations [Philosophical Society of Edinburgh]
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: George Campbell
Author: Philosophical Society of Edinburgh (Unspecified, born 1731), Genre: Medicine
Medical Essays and Observations [Philosophical Society of Edinburgh]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 104417
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Ludwig Instit: Regni Vegetabilis
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: Guinea.
Batholomew Parr
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Dissertation: De Balneo.. Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1769-1772; MD (Edin), 1773. Origin: British.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (Male, born 1709, died 1773)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Institutiones historico-physicos regni vegetabilis [Ludwig]
Confidence level: Certain
Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (Male, born 1709, died 1773)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
D. C. G. L. Institutiones historico-physicæ regni vegetabilis.
Language: Latin . Published: Leipzig. Date of publication: 1757. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 2
Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (Male, born 1709, died 1773)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Institutiones Historico-Physicae Regni Vegetabilis [Christian Gottlieb Ludwig]
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: Batholomew Parr
Author: Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (Male, born 1709, died 1773), Genre: Natural Philosophy
Institutiones Historico-Physicae Regni Vegetabilis [Christian Gottlieb Ludwig]
Record ID 104423
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Sauvages Nosologia Method. 2 V:s 4:to
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 2 Guineas.
William Hamilton
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
François Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages (Male, born 1706, died 1767)
Genre: Medicine
Nosologia methodica, sistens morborum, classes genera et species : juxta Sydenhami mentem et botanicorum ordinem.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Confidence level: Very likely
François Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages (Male, born 1706, died 1767)
Genre: Medicine
Nosologia methodica, sistens morborum classes, juxtà Sydenhami mentem & botanicorum ordinem.
Language: Latin . Published: Amsterdam. Date of publication: 1768. Format: 4to.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 111 times in 43 borrowing records
François Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages (Male, born 1706, died 1767)
Genre: Medicine
Nosologia Methodica [François Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages]
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: William Hamilton
Author: François Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages (Male, born 1706, died 1767), Genre: Medicine
Nosologia Methodica [François Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages]
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2
Record ID 104432
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 259
Also Magenise on Inflamation
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: see entry above.
George Campbell
Gender: Male.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student. Medicine and Health > Surgeon.
Daniel Magenise (Male)
Genre: Medicine
Doctrine of inflammations founded upon reason and experience [Magenise]
Confidence level: Certain
Daniel Magenise (Male)
Genre: Medicine
The doctrine of inflammations Founded upon Reason and Experience; and intirely cleared from the contradictory systems of Boerhaave, Van Swieten, and others.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1768. Format: 8vo.
Number of borrowings: 7
ESTC: T7124
Daniel Magenise (Male)
Genre: Medicine
Doctrine of Inflammations Founded upon Reason and Experience
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: George Campbell
Author: Daniel Magenise (Male), Genre: Medicine
Doctrine of Inflammations Founded upon Reason and Experience
Record ID 104435
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 260
Rollin's Method 4 V:s
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: Guinea.
Patrick Bowie
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1771-1772. Other: Indian Medical Service, 1781.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Method of teaching and studying the belles lettres, or, An introduction to languages, poetry, rhetoric, history, moral philosophy, physicks, &c.
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Confidence level: Certain
Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: Belles Lettres
The method of teaching and studying the belles lettres, or an introduction to languages, poetry, rhetoric, history, moral philosophy, physicks, &c. With Reflections on Taste; and Instructions with regard to the Eloquence of the Pulpit, the Bar and the Stage. The whole illustrated with Passages from the most famous Poets and Orators, antient and modern, with Critical Remarks on them. Designed more particularly for Students in the Universities.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1734. Format: 8vo. Pagination: 4 vols.
Number of borrowings: Volumes associated with this edition were borrowed 181 times in 94 borrowing records
ESTC: T136375
Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741)
Genre: Belles Lettres
Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: Patrick Bowie
Author: Charles Rollin (Male, born 1661, died 1741), Genre: Belles Lettres
Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Record ID 104438
Library: Edinburgh University Library. Register: EUA IN1/ADS/LIB/3/Da.2.9 (1771-1773, Type: Student). Page: 260
Le Dran on gun-shot wounds
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday). Loan period: Fortnight. Deposit: 0/2/6.
James Shirreff Junior
Gender: Male.
Historical Alumni Database: Class: Medicine. Academic dates: 1771-1772.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.
Henri-Franc̦ois Le Dran (Male, born 1685, died 1770)
Genre: Medicine
A treatise, or reflections, drawn from practice on gun-shot wounds [Le Dran]
Confidence level: Certain
Henri-Franc̦ois Le Dran (Male, born 1685, died 1770)
Genre: Medicine
A treatise, or reflections, drawn from practice on gun-shot wounds.
Language: English . Published: London. Date of publication: 1743. Format: 12mo.
Number of borrowings: 6
ESTC: N13734
Henri-Franc̦ois Le Dran (Male, born 1685, died 1770)
Genre: Medicine
Treatise, or Reflections, drawn from Practice on Gun-shot Wounds
Borrowed: 1772/6/18 (Thursday).
Borrower: James Shirreff Junior
Author: Henri-Franc̦ois Le Dran (Male, born 1685, died 1770), Genre: Medicine
Treatise, or Reflections, drawn from Practice on Gun-shot Wounds